FEEV Hyper-Fit Bare Cushion 15g
FEEV Hyper-Fit Bare Cushion 15g
FEEV Hyper-Fit Bare Cushion 15g
FEEV Hyper-Fit Bare Cushion 15g
FEEV Hyper-Fit Bare Cushion 15g
FEEV Hyper-Fit Bare Cushion 15g
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    FEEV Hyper-Fit Bare Cushion 15g

    $20.00 $42.00

    A cushion foundation that leaves a healthy glow when used.

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    - This cushion has a daily glowy finish that even beginners can use.

    - This product contains skin care ingredients that brighten the skin from within.

    - This cushion has a buildable texture that applies and blends on the skin without caking.

    - This product is available in 3 shades to fit your needs.

    Take an appropriate amount and spread evenly on the skin.

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