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CoréelleMilkTouchMilk Touch Hedera Helix Jumbo Pad 130mlToner Pads
CoréelleMilkTouchMilk Touch Hedera Helix Jumbo Pad 130mlToner Pads
CoréelleMilkTouchMilk Touch Hedera Helix Jumbo Pad 130mlToner Pads
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  • MilkTouch

    Milk Touch Hedera Helix Jumbo Pad 130ml

    $23.00 $30.00

    A toner pad with big sized pads to effectively remove sebum and waste, and replenish the skin's moisture levels.

    - This toner pad contains Western pine extract, a patented skin soothing ingredient.

    - This product contains an ingredient called ‘galactoarabinan’, which has the power to attract moisture from dry soil, helps soothe sensitive skin.

    - This toner pad contains a hypoallergenic peeling ingredient, LHA, that provides smooth skin texture care.

    - This product brightens up dull skin with the help of 10 types of vitamin liposome ingredients.

    After washing your face, wipe the embossed side against your skin and gently massage your skin. Using the product before using serum or cream is recommended for best results.

    Hedera Helix (Ivy) Extract

    1. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Ivy Extract helps reduce inflammation, making it particularly useful for acne-prone or irritated skin.

    2. Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties: This extract inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi, helping to prevent skin infections.

    3. Soothing Properties: Ivy Extract calms the skin and reduces itching, which is beneficial for red or sensitive skin.

    4. Astringent Effects: This extract helps tighten pores and improve skin elasticity.

    5. Cellulite Reduction: Ivy Extract is known to reduce the appearance of cellulite and can aid in the detoxification process.

    6. Moisturizing: The extract helps keep the skin hydrated and prevents dryness.

    7. Improved Blood Circulation: Ivy Extract promotes blood circulation, improving skin tone and contributing to overall skin health.

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