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M Signature Real Complete BB Cream SPF 30

$25.00 $30.00
Get that photo-shop finish every time without the need to cake your face with makeup! This BB Cream provides excellent, lightweight coverage that looks natural when applied.
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- This BB cream is made with plant-based ingredients to ensure safe usage for all skin types.

- This product provides perfect coverage and brightens the skin tone while reflecting light in various directions to give the wearer a luminous, radiant glow.

- This BB Cream has a clear, lightweight finish to allow for natural-looking clearer skin and excellent coverage when applied.

- The Micro-Multi Rolling Grinding Technology particles used in this formula of this product allows this cream to be perfectly applied onto the skin and does not clump.

- No. 21 : This Pink Beige is recommended for those with fair skin and would like a brighter, softer complexion.
- No. 23 : This Natural Yellow Beige is recommended for those who have light to medium skin and would like to get excellent base coverage.

After basic skin care, pump out the desired amount (pea sized) and smooth onto the skin using preferred method (fingers, sponge applicator, brush).
For first application only, prime product by pumping 10 to 20 times.

Directly apply it at the next stage of basic skin care without reapplying sun cream.
After applying, it creates water-glossy makeup while lightly finish with powder or pact.

Camomile extract
- It has anti inflammation and soothing effect, also helps to restoration of skin cell and weakens allergic reaction.

Rosemary extract

- It prevents from skin aging with calming, soothing, anti fungal and anti oxidization.


- It is a main ingredient which consists of stratum corneum (outermost layer of epidermis) and keeps the skin moisturized with moisture holding effect.

Hyaluronic acid
- It is one of NMF (natural moisturizing factor) ingredients which is made by the latest BIO technology. It protects skin from irritations or bacteria and keeps the skin moist while creating thin and transparent barrier on the epidermis.

Gatuline RC
- It is extracted from beech bud, promotes metabolism and holding energy effect, so that it is effective for firming and moisturizing effects.

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