Airy Texture Hair Wax &  Dual Brush Set
Airy Texture Hair Wax &  Dual Brush Set
Airy Texture Hair Wax &  Dual Brush Set
Airy Texture Hair Wax &  Dual Brush Set
  • Vegan
  • Nesh

    Airy Texture Hair Wax & Dual Brush Set

    $17.50 $25.00
    A versatile hair styling wax that provides a strong hold without leaving a tacky feel.

    - This hair wax has a soft creamy texture to be soft and fast absorbing when used.

    - This product was formulated to meet the demands of women's hair type and hair styling.

    - This hair wax allows easy and versatile styling for women by providing natural and weightless hold.

    - This product is suitable for all scalp types as it is made with a non-irritant, clean, vegan formula.

    Rub a small amount of the hair wax between your palms, then apply it evenly to dry hair, adding texture and shapes as desired. Avoid using too much product to maintain a natural look and prevent a greasy appearance.

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