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Re'Juice True Rose of Jericho 100g

$29.00 $34.00
From the dry winds of the winter to the humidity of the summer, temperature change can be harsh on the skin. Allow this moisturizing, soothing mask to help you get plump skin all days of the year.

- With just use, users have claimed to see immediate effects such as lowered temperature of the skin and relaxation.

- Made with True Rose of Jericho, this mask soothes and nourishes the skin and leaves it feeling refreshed like never before.

- True Rose of Jericho has a high concentration of trehalose, which is a highly moisturizing ingredient that is scientifically proven to retain high levels of moisture.

- This product helps to control sebum production and minimize the appearance of pores on the skin, to create youthful looking skin.

  1. After cleansing, scoop an adequate amount and apply onto the face.
  2. Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Use the spatula to gently scrape off the remaining residue and rinse with lukewarm water.

Rose of Jericho

- Rose of Jericho contains high levels of antioxidants that help to protect the skin from photoaging and get rid of the harmful free radicals in the body, to prevent signs of aging.
- Rose of Jericho has anti-inflammatory properties to help soothe the skin.

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