
P.Z. Ssoc Ssoc No More Blackhead 100ml

$17.50 $35.00
A sebum removing pack that gently melts away sebum without irritating the skin.

- This pack is a sebum and blackhead removing pack that gently melts away sebum and excess oil on the skin.

- This product can be used on all parts of the face with blackheads and whiteheads, for example, the nose, chin, and cheeks.

- This pack is created with natural, EWG Green Grade ingredients and patented elements.

- This product is actually used in spas and clinics across Korea, allowing you to enjoy a professional blackhead treatment session at home.

  1. Pump and wet a cotton pad well. Put on an area with sebum and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Wipe off residuals with the cotton pad.

Witch Hazel Water

- Witch Hazel Water calms down irritated skin with pore tightening and dead skin care.

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