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Rice Mask Wash Off 120g

$10.00 $12.00
A wash off mask made with rice designed to brighten and soften the skin while gently exfoliating and brightening the skin for a clear, hydrated complexion.

- This wash off mask is a classic KBeauty product that has stood the test of time and guarantees brightened, glowy skin after usage.

- This product allows for the user to indulge in a self-care day at home by applying the product on areas of concern to create healthier, smoother skin.

- This wash off mask creates instant clear and radiant skin by brightening the skin tone and getting rid of the dead skin cells on the skin immediately after usage.

- This product has a mochi-like texture allowing for the product to adhere onto the skin better.

After cleansing, mix the layers of the mask. Apply the mask all over the face and avoid mouth and eye. Massage smoothly, leave for 5~10 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.


- Rice helps to brighten the skin tone and exfoliate the skin while providing the skin with the nutrients and moisturization it needs to be healthy.

Jojoba Esters

- Jojoba Esters have been proven to reduce the dryness of the skin to prevent rough patches on the surface of the skin.

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