CoréelleBonajourDaily Mild Sun Perfect Shield 35mlSunblock
CoréelleBonajourDaily Mild Sun Perfect Shield 35mlSunblock
CoréelleBonajourDaily Mild Sun Perfect Shield 35mlSunblock
CoréelleBonajourDaily Mild Sun Perfect Shield 35mlSunblock
  • Vegan
  • Bonajour

    Daily Mild Sun Perfect Shield 35ml

    $16.80 $24.00
    A non-nano, all-natural sunscreen with SPF33/PA++ that completely blocks UV rays all day, everyday.

    - Non-nano sunscreen has little irritation as it adheres to the outside of the skin without being absorbed, blocking UV rays by forming a UV protection film.

    - The formula is perfect for sensitive skin as it is made from natural ingredients for sensitive skin, obtaining the safety certification from Belgian Pharmaceutical Association, and does not cause chemical reactions on the skin surface.

    - The foundation of the formula is mineral water and hot spring water from the spa region of Belgium.

    - May use like a makeup base because it shows natural tone-up effect.

    - Without parabens, phenoxyethanol, artificial coloring, artificial fragrance, Allergen fragrance, synthetic alcohol, PEG, sulfates, silicone, animal ingredients, animal testing.

    1. Apply an appropriate amount to the skin at the end of the basic skin routine.

      * May use like a makeup base because it shows natural tone-up effect.

    Belgium Spa onsen-Sui

    - Ultraviolet barrier that covers your skin surface, perfect for sensitive and trouble skin.

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