Egg White Pore Mask 120g

$10.00 $12.00
The power of egg whites in this clay mask helps to unclog pores and get rid of the excess oil in areas of breakouts and excessive production.

- This pore mask is made with egg white extract to deeply penetrate the pores and remove the excess oil that clogs the pores.

- This is a gentle clay mask that reduces the appearance of pores and gets rid of impurities without stripping the skin of its natural moisture, leaving the skin clean and soft.

- This wash-off clay mask purges deep into the pores to get rid of dirt and sebum, preventing future breakouts and blemishes.

- Albumin in the formula decreases the appearance of pores and clears up the skin’s texture.

1. After face wash use right amount to apply onto face avoiding eyes and lip area.1. After cleansing, apply to the face, avoiding the eye and mouth area.
2. Wash off thoroughly with warm water after 10-15 minutes.

Egg Yolk
- Extract of egg yolk with a high lipolytic activity, stimulates the activity of skin glands and enzymes, helps to soften the skin, smooths wrinkles, improves firmness and elasticity of the skin.
- Rich in amino acids, proteins, and vitamins, egg yolk helps to gently exfoliate and hydrate the skin in order to minimize the appearance of dark spots and wrinkles.

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