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CoréelleSkinnyLabSkinnyLab Kombucha Raspberry flavor (14 sachet)Health Supplement
CoréelleSkinnyLabSkinnyLab Kombucha Raspberry flavor (14 sachet)Health Supplement
  • New
  • Vegan
  • SkinnyLab

    SkinnyLab Kombucha Raspberry flavor (14 sachet)

    $6.00 $11.90

    A diet powder that is raspberry flavored and helps the user lose body fat.

    - This diet powder is a health functional supplement that helps to reduce body fat.

    - Skinny Lab is the Number One diet supplement on Naver Shopping.

    - This product has a high concentration of kombucha and a rich taste.

    - This powder does not contain sugar and is only 19 calories per serving.

    Take 1 packet once a day, 30 minutes before having a meal


    - Kombucha effectively helps with weightloss and contains probiotics, which help with gut health.

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