CoréelleSkinnyLabSkinnyLab Morosil Diet C3G (700mg*14 tablets / 2 weeks)Health Supplement
CoréelleSkinnyLabSkinnyLab Morosil Diet C3G (700mg*14 tablets / 2 weeks)Health Supplement
  • New
  • Vegan
  • SkinnyLab

    SkinnyLab Morosil Diet C3G (700mg*14 tablets / 2 weeks)

    $39.20 $49.00

    A diet pill taken once a day to help manage weight.

    - This diet capsule is a health functional supplement that helps to reduce body fat.

    - Skinny Lab is the Number One diet supplement on Naver Shopping.

    - This product is made of Morosil, an ingredient that has been recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug safety to help reduce body fat.

    - This diet capsule is made of C3G, vitamin C, selenium, pantothenic acid for quadruple functional benefits.

    Consume one capsule before your meal.


    - Morosil contains C3G, a core component for weightloss.

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