CoréelleSkinnyLabskinny lab Pure Glutathione (14 sachet / 14 days)Health Supplement
CoréelleSkinnyLabskinny lab Pure Glutathione (14 sachet / 14 days)Health Supplement
  • New
  • Vegan
  • SkinnyLab

    skinny lab Pure Glutathione (14 sachet / 14 days)

    $16.72 $20.90

    A tablet that is enriched with White Tomato, Milk Ceramide, and Vitamin C

    - This tablet is a health functional supplement that helps shine your skin.

    - Skinny Lab is the Number One health supplement on Naver Shopping.

    - This health supplement is enriched with White Tomato, Milk Ceramide, and Vitamin C.

    - This product has an enhanced sweet, tangy berry flavor.

    Take a tablet once a day with your meal.


    - Glutathione is a substance made from the amino acids glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid.

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