24/7 Colostrum Pore Defence Ampoule 55ml
CoréellePURCELL24/7 Colostrum Pore Defence Ampoule 55mlserum
CoréellePURCELL24/7 Colostrum Pore Defence Ampoule 55mlserum
CoréellePURCELL24/7 Colostrum Pore Defence Ampoule 55mlserum
CoréellePURCELL24/7 Colostrum Pore Defence Ampoule 55mlserum
CoréellePURCELL24/7 Colostrum Pore Defence Ampoule 55mlserum
CoréellePURCELL24/7 Colostrum Pore Defence Ampoule 55mlserum
  • Best

    24/7 Colostrum Pore Defence Ampoule 55ml

    $28.00 $37.00

    A portable ampoule mist that hydrates your skin immediately with clinically proven active ingredients, protecting against various environmental factors that cause skin concerns from dryness or heat.

    - This ampoule comes in a spray form that is convenient to be brought anywhere on the go.

    - This product helps improve enlarged pores with a quick moisturizing effect.

    - This ampoule offers pore tightening effect when used long-term.

    - This product moisturizes dehydrated skin with prolonged moisturizing effect.

    Spray on face directly to moisturize before makeup. Spray before & after makeup for glass-skin finish. Use whenever skin feels dry.


    - Colostrum is a nutrient-rich fluid with proteins that can help maintain skin hydration.

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