NACIFIC BLACK SEAGRASS Fresh Morning Shower Set with Xikers Photocards and Special Gift

$79.99 $99.99
A special set made in collaboration with Xikers as the first of the series of Xikers collaboration sets perfect for any fan.

- This set comes with a set of special Xikers photo cards and a shower sponge to make your shower experience even more refreshing and special.

- The products in this set are made of black seagrass and seawater to nourish the skin and leave a pleasant scent.

- This set is made up of the following products :
- Black Seagrass Body Scrub Wash 250ml : A body scrub wash that allows you to exfoliate and moisturize at the same time and begin and end your day with a fresh, cozy musky soap scent.
- Black Seagrass Body Lotion 250ml : A body lotion that forms a moisturizing film to help balance the skin's oil and moisture levels to be the perfect lotion for dehydrated skin.
- Black Seagrass Body Mist 80ml : A body mist that helps to moisturize your skin and boost your mood by revitalizing tired skin with seawater and leaving a lingering scent on the skin.

- Black Seagrass Body Scrub Wash 250ml : Apply an appropriate amount to a shower sponge or towel, lather it and gently massage all over the body except the face. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

- Black Seagrass Body Lotion 250ml : Apply an appropriate amount to dry skin, gently spread it like giving a massage, and lightly pat to aid absorption.

- Black Seagrass Body Mist 80ml : Spray evenly on the areas needing body care, then gently pat to aid absorption.

Seawater (Gangwon Deep Water)
- Seawater (Gangwon Deep Water) contains about 1,000 times more minerals than regular water, which helps repair the skin's damaged barrier and prevent moisture loss damaged skin.

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