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Abib Heartleaf Spot Pad 80 pads

$16.80 $24.00
A set of calming spot pads made of heartleaf extract to care for blemishes and impurities.

- This set of calming pads are gentle enough to be used every day.

- This product helps to cool and calm the skin when used.

- This set of pore pads are made of double sided pads with a gauze side for rough texture and a plain side for more intricate areas.

- This product is great for using anytime during the day.

After cleansing, apply the pad on the face where it needs soothing and leave the pad for 5~10 minutes. Then swipe the face with the pad avoiding the eye, and pat until the absorption.

Heartleaf Extract

- Heartleaf Extract from the Himalayas helps to effectively calm and clear the skin, to create flawless, porcelain skin.

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