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Green Fit Pro Sun 55ml

$15.40 $22.00
This sunscreen is unlike other sun protecting products on the market by providing the skin with the perfect UV protection despite heavy sweat.

- This sunscreen is easily absorbed by the skin in order to provide the skin with UV protection letting you have fun in the sun without stickiness or leaving behind a white cast.

- This product can be used as a daily moisturizing sunscreen for usage underneath your every day makeup.

- This sunscreen encourages the growth of new collagen and prevents sun pigmentation when used regularly.

- This product can also be used on hair to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss due to sun damage.

  1. At the last step of skincare routine, apply a moderate amount onto UV exposed areas.
  2. Gently massage for full absorption.

Glyceryl Glucoside

- Glyceryl Glucoside boosts the skin's enzymatic antioxidants and improves the skin's ability to defend itself against the external environment while reducing the skin's tendency to become dehydrated.

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