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Honey Sugar Food Mask

$16.00 $18.00
Moisturize exfoliate with the Honey Sugar Food Mask! Featuring 9.29% Manuka Honey + Acacia Honey to moisturize and soothe and Black Sugar to gently exfoliate for soft, nourished and healthy skin.

This Korean Wash-off mask allows you to give self-administered home-care every day differently depending on skin concern and area. This skin mask works to hydrate and nourish the skin, leaving only soothed and calmed skin behind.

Contains 9.29% Manuka honey + Acacia honey - Proven to correct poor skin tone by exfoliating away damaged skin. It is an excellent antioxidant, anti-aging, clarifying dead skin problems, and with skin-soothing effects.

After cleansing, mix the layers of the mask. Apply the mask all over the face and avoid mouth and eye. Massage smoothly, leave for 5~10 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.

Glycerin, Sucrose, Honey

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