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Inbetween Aurora Second Skin Makeup Setting Spray for Face

$28.80 $32.00
Inbetween Aurora Second Skin Makeup Setting Spray for Face

- A mist spray that helps maintain skin hydration, enhances skin barrier, and protects the skin from harmful substances.

- The spray gives off a natural, dewy hologram effect as if crystals are in the formula, without artificial pearls, by using the characteristics of light reflections.

- Ceramides in the formula balance the skin and enhance the moisture barrier of the skin, creating dewiness also from within.

  1. Primer: Apply before putting on makeup to create the porcelain skin effect.
  2. Setting mist: Apply after putting on makeup to complete a long-lasting look.

Ceramid EOP

- Ceramid EOP supports the moisture barrier of the skin.

Ceramid AS

- Ceramid AS strengthens the moisture barrier of the skin.

Ceramid NP

- Ceramid NP connects broken stratum corneum.

Ceramid NS

- Ceramid NS increases moisture absorbency.

Ceramid AP

- Ceramid AP supports hydration by preparing for moisture transfer.

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