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Etude House

Lash Perm Curl Fix Mascara 8g

$9.00 $14.50

Only 0 left in stock - order soon.

An elongating and curling mascara that helps to create beautifully curled, clean-looking lashes.

- This mascara provides long lasting lash curling that lifts the lashes, giving off the effect of having permed lashes.
- This product is both waterproof and smudge-proof, to ensure that it does not get ruined throughout the day.
- This mascara has a clump-free brush applicator with thin, curved bristles that allows for the prevention of clumps.

#01 Black

- A deep black that creates a deep set of clear eyes.
#02 Brown
- A dark brown that creates a soft, deep set of eyes.

  1. Apply the product carefully from the root of the eyelashes.
  2. Apply 2-3 more layers for accented curls.

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