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Coréellemixsoonmixsoon Bean Cleansing Oil 195mlcleansing oil
Coréellemixsoonmixsoon Bean Cleansing Oil 195mlcleansing oil
Coréellemixsoonmixsoon Bean Cleansing Oil 195mlcleansing oil
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  • mixsoon

    mixsoon Bean Cleansing Oil 195ml

    $16.00 $25.00

    A cleansing oil that provides deep cleansing of the skin with moisturizing properties.

    - This cleansing oil is suitable for oily skin and is made of the same ingredients as the Bean Essence.

    - This product is a great oil to use when double cleansing.

    - This cleansing oil does not cause irritation on the skin when used.

    - This product is a moisturizing liquid oil type that is suitable for daily usage.

    1. Begin with dry hands and a dry face. Pump 2-3 times into your hands. Apply the bean cleansing oil to your face gently, rolling softly.
      Wet your hands slightly and continue massaging your face. The oil will emulsify, turning into a milky texture.
      Wash it off with warm water.

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