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New Skin Resolution Gel Mask 100ml

$13.80 $23.00
A gel mask formulated to brighten and soothe your skin,packed full of powerful ingredients to moisturize and reinforce the skin’s natural barrier function.

- This gel mask is made of heartleaf that helps to repair and soothe dull and irritated skin while 2% Niacinamide noticeably brightens and evens skin tone.
- Axis-Y is always striving to reach our goals in our skincare journey, but why wait for New Year’s or the next season to make good habits and choices for our skin?
- Our skin regenerates itself every 27 days, so you don't have to wait for new year to plan for a fresh start—you can set your skin resolutions with every application of our New Resolution Gel Mask that's designed to renew, refresh, and revitalize whenever you want to achieve your skin goals.

1. After cleansing the face, apply an even layer onto dry skin while avoiding the immediate eye area and the mouth
2. Gently rinse off with lukewarm water after leaving on for an adequate amount of time

Heartleaf Extract
- Heartleaf Extract from the Himalayas helps to effectively calm and clear the skin, to create flawless, porcelain skin.

- Niacinamide helps to treat moderate acne while reducing inflammation and reduces pigmentation to even out the skin.

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