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Pear Mint Food Mask

$16.00 $18.00
Cleanse Refresh with the Pear Mint Food Mask! This clay-type mask contains 10% Pear Extract, 5% Mint Complex, and Kaolin to draw out impurities and excess sebum while nourishing cooling heated skin leaving it feeling clean and soft.

This Korean Wash-off mask allows you to give self-administered home-care every day differently depending on skin concern and area. This skin mask works to hydrate and nourish the skin, leaving only soothed and calmed skin behind.

Pear has been proven to correct poor skin tone by exfoliating away damaged skin. It is an excellent antioxidant, anti-aging, clarifying dead skin problems, and with skin-soothing effects.

After cleansing, mix the layers of the mask. Apply the mask all over the face and avoid mouth and eye. Massage smoothly, leave for 5~10 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.

Lauric Acid, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Glycerin

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