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Pomegranate Biome Scalp Boosting Shampoo + Soy Biome Protein Repair Treatment
Pomegranate Biome Scalp Boosting Shampoo + Soy Biome Protein Repair Treatment
Pomegranate Biome Scalp Boosting Shampoo + Soy Biome Protein Repair Treatment
Pomegranate Biome Scalp Boosting Shampoo + Soy Biome Protein Repair Treatment
Pomegranate Biome Scalp Boosting Shampoo + Soy Biome Protein Repair Treatment
Pomegranate Biome Scalp Boosting Shampoo + Soy Biome Protein Repair Treatment
CoréelleNeshPomegranate Biome Scalp Boosting Shampoo + Soy Biome Protein Repair Treatmenthaircare
Pomegranate Biome Scalp Boosting Shampoo + Soy Biome Protein Repair Treatment
  • Vegan
  • Nesh

    Pomegranate Biome Scalp Boosting Shampoo + Soy Biome Protein Repair Treatment

    $33.50 $44.00
    An all-in-one anti-hair loss shampoo that immediately hydrates dry scalps and a hair treatment that repairs damaged hair cuticle by 72% in just one

    Pomegranate Biome Scalp Boosting Shampoo

    An anti-hair fall shampoo for combination scalp, clinically verified to reduce hair fall by 68% in 2 weeks.

    Soy Biome Protein Repair Treatment

    Containing concentrated vegan protein, this hair treatment instantly improves hair cuticle damage by 72% after one use.

    Pomegranate Biome Scalp Boosting Shampoo

    01. Wet the scalp and hair completely with lukewarm water and apply shampoo evenly.

    02. Make enough foam and massage gently from the inside of your scalp to the end of your hair. After 1-2 minutes, rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

    Soy Biome Protein Repair Treatment

    01. After shampooing, take an appropriate amount and apply it evenly as if you are lightly massaging your hair.

    02. Wash it clean with lukewarm water after 2-3 minutes.

    Click for more information

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