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CoréelleLogically SkinRetinol Alpha White Cream 200mlmoisturizer
CoréelleLogically SkinRetinol Alpha White Cream 200mlmoisturizer
CoréelleLogically SkinRetinol Alpha White Cream 200mlmoisturizer
CoréelleLogically SkinRetinol Alpha White Cream 200mlmoisturizer
CoréelleLogically SkinRetinol Alpha White Cream 200mlmoisturizer
CoréelleLogically SkinRetinol Alpha White Cream 200mlmoisturizer
  • Best
  • Logically Skin

    Retinol Alpha White Cream 200ml

    $18.20 $26.00

    A cream that effectively tones up brightness of the skin, just like our original-natural skin.

    - This cream is created with a soft, cream formulation that moisturizes the entire surface of the skin and goes deep into the inner layers of the skin as well.

    - This product soothes the skin quickly without stickness and strongly setting onto the skin.

    - This cream has a brightening effect on the skin by supressing the production of melanin.

    - This product has a tone-up effect on wrinkled, pigmented skin that will not get stuck between the creases.

    1. After using the body wash, take an appropriate amount on your hands and apply evenly to the wet skin.
    2. When the cream is absorbed, remove the remaining water as if absorbing it with a towel.


    - Retinol is a form of vitamin A that increases the thickness and elasticity of your skin, slows the production of melanin, reduces inflammation, and prevents clogged pores.


    - Glutathione inhibits melanin production and contributes to skin brightening.

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