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Thirteen buried diamonds, SEVENTEEN, are finally coming out into the world with SEVENTEEN's 1st mini album.

- Initial Release Date : June 2, 2015

- Seventeen made their debut in the music industry with their debut album ‘17 CARAT’. The thirteen boys, who were just young, became stronger than anyone else by going through the 'pre-debut' system where the entire training process was made public, and the skills honed over a long period of time showed their qualities as monster rookies through producing all the songs in the album and performance.

- The harmony they create is directly expressed in Seventeen’s debut title song ‘I Love You’. This mysterious combination, which captures the boy's youthful emotions in high-quality songs and performances, resembles Seventeen. The boy's cheerful and lively wit hidden among the melody that makes you hum as soon as you hear it adds to its addictiveness.

- The sales volume of this product is applied 100% in the charts on Apple, HANTEO, Circle, and Music Bank K, helping Seventeen directly for awards and charts.

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