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CoréelleBonajourWitch Hazel No Sebum Sun Shield 40mlSunblock
CoréelleBonajourWitch Hazel No Sebum Sun Shield 40mlSunblock
CoréelleBonajourWitch Hazel No Sebum Sun Shield 40mlSunblock
CoréelleBonajourWitch Hazel No Sebum Sun Shield 40mlSunblock
  • Vegan
  • Bonajour

    Witch Hazel No Sebum Sun Shield 40ml

    $22.00 $24.00
    A daily sunscreen that boosts moisture and controls excess oil, while protecting skin from strong UV damage.

    - 100% Physical sunblock (physical UV sunblock)! It blocks UV rays with an ultraviolet-proof film on the skin’s surface that reflects rays.
    - With few chemical ingredients, it is also suitable for sensitive skin.
    - Keeps skin moisturized without stickiness with sebum-control powder and Licorice Extract.
    - so it creates a matte finish as if you have used an oil control film.

    At the last step of skin care, Take out an appropriate amount and apply evenly at the final stage of basic skin care.

    Witch Hazel Water
    - Base water contains 42% Witch Hazel water to soothe inflamed and sensitive skin.

    - Reduce sebum.

    - Help calm and moisturize sensitive skin.

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